While there, slay as many enemies as you can, preferably the Hatcher and the Cavers as they drop more geo. Go to the bench and place a gate before heading off into the direction to the left of the station. How it works: Head to the Deepnest and go to the Tram Station with Fragile Greed and Grubberfly Elegy equipped. Trams can still be seen in the background of the tunnels.” Technique Name details: “An unfinished Tram Station in the northeast part of the Deepnest whose workers were attacked by the Deepnest’s beasts. Be sure to have the dream gate ready or else you’ll find yourself walking back and forth to the bench. To start farming, you need to head to the Abandoned Tram Station within this map. To avoid the Devout Stalkers, it's best to tackle farming the small fry in the Deepnest. Maps like this spawn danger constantly, and in the Deepnest, you may find some a bit too tough. So why not a more dangerous place like the Deepnest to start farming for geo? It may be in your best interest to visit places where enemies spawn frequently to get geo as well. Sometimes, you just have to face the harder enemies to get geo. Saving all the grubs totals to 300 geo.Ī Deephunter seeks to avenge its comrade from the Knight. When you first save one grub, that’s 10 geo and as you continue to save grubs before going to the Grub Father it stacks up. How much you can farm: The geo you get from rescuing the grubs are based on the total number of grubs saved. However, once you find all the grubs, there’s not much left to do with this technique. Among the rewards, you can get Geo and mask shards until you find all of the grubs. Find a couple of grubs before returning to the Grub Father who will reward you.

With his map, you have the location of all the grubs in Hallownest. How it works: You defeat the Collector in the City of Tears and take his map. “Save his helpless grubs and the Grubfather will heap Geo and rewards upon you.” You can count on him to give you a valuable reward. When you save a grub, be sure to return to the Forgotten Crossroads to pay him a visit. Freeing them from their captivity will make the Grubfather very grateful. In places hidden within Hallownest, grubs are located. What if there was a way to earn money by rescuing NPCs? Time to go grub hunting! Sometimes you get rewarded with items, and other times, you aren't. On your journey, you do a fair of deeds and favors for some bugs. The Knight visits the Grubfather after rescuing all the grubs.

What may come as a first surprise is how expensive some items are despite the town seemingly abandoned. The currency of Hollow Knight is called geo, and apparently, you’re going to be needing a lot of it. It isn't until Sly and Conifer’s shop opens up that you finally realize that you need money. Upon first look, it doesn't appear that currency will be much of a problem in Hollow Knight. Husks leave geo behind as the Knight makes quick work of them.